Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

29 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 28083
Author(s): Meconi, David Vincent,
Title : Traveling Without Moving: Love as an Ecstatic Union in Plotinus, Augustine, and Dante [Plotinus thought only the desire for union with the one mattered, and Augustine did not want any human attachments to take away from the desire for God. Dante, however, thought the beloved could manifest God's essence. Good love was embodied in Beatrice; bad love in Francesca da Rimini, who still was self-obsessed in hell. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Mediterranean Studies , 18., ( 2009):  Pages 1 - 23.
Year of Publication: 2009.

2. Record Number: 9180
Author(s): Holmes, Olivia.
Title : Dante's Two Beloveds: Ethics as Erotic Choice [The author explores the pattern of two competing but almost identical female archetypes as love objects in Dante's writings (particularly in the "Convivio" and the "Commedia"). In certain respects the women are rivals and represent the sacred versus the profane. In some cases they can also be read as stages in ethical development with the first female as precursor and the second as fulfillment. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Annali d'Italianistica , 19., ( 2001):  Pages 25 - 50.
Year of Publication: 2001.

3. Record Number: 6610
Author(s): Marti, Mario.
Title : Acque agitate per "Donna me prega" [Guido Cavalcanti's poem "Donna me prega" was written in the last years of the thirteenth century; its image of love may be intended as a deliberate contrast to the idealized figure of Beatrice in Dante's "La Vita Nuova"].
Source: Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana , 177., ( 2000):  Pages 161 - 167.
Year of Publication: 2000.

4. Record Number: 4542
Author(s): Barolini, Teodolinda.
Title : Dante and Francesca da Rimini: Realpolitik, Romance, Gender [The author explores the minimal historical evidence for Francesca da Polenta, wife of Gianciotto Malatesta and lover of his brother, Paolo; in contrast Dante memorializes Francesca with a striking, psychological portrait].
Source: Speculum , 75., 1 (January 2000):  Pages 1 - 28.
Year of Publication: 2000.

5. Record Number: 4883
Author(s): Cornish, Alison.
Title : A Lady Asks: The Gender of Vulgarization in Late Medieval Italy
Source: PMLA: Publications of the Modern Language Association of America (Full Text via JSTOR) 115, 2 (March 2000): 166-180. Link Info
Year of Publication: 2000.

6. Record Number: 5343
Author(s): Russell, Anthony Presti.
Title : Dante's "Forte Imaginazione" and Beatrice's "Occulta Virtù": Lovesickness and the Supernatural in the "Vita Nuova"
Source: Mediaevalia , 22., 1 ( 1998):  Pages 1 - 33. Published by the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton
Year of Publication: 1998.

7. Record Number: 6391
Author(s): Derla, Luigi.
Title : Francesca, una Beatrice incompiuta (INF V 73-143) [Dante's Francesca da Rimini is an example of heroic love; the poet found precedents in Ovid's "Heroides" and Virgil's portrait of Dido; Francesca and Paolo fit the stereotype of courtly lovers, but Dante's opinion of their surrender to passion is negative, because they separated themselves from God; Francesca, the earthly woman, is contrasted with Beatrice, the heavenly one, with Francesca being an incomplete version of the other].
Source: Italian Quarterly , 34., (Summer-Fall 1997):  Pages 5 - 20.
Year of Publication: 1997.

8. Record Number: 3290
Author(s): Beutin, Wolfgang
Title : Säkularisierungs- und Spiritualisierungstendenzen in der Dichtung und im mystischen Schrifttum des späten Mittelalters. Mit einem Exkurs: Dantes "Matelda" und deutsche Frauenmystik
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 361 - 372.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

9. Record Number: 20629
Author(s): Duso, Elena Maria
Title : Laura sua al buon Petrarca, a me la mia (CCLVI, 8): Marco Piacentini e l'influsso delle Tre Corone nella costruzione del personaggio femminile [Marco Piacentini's depictions of women drew on Petrarch, including his praise of Laura. Piacentini also drew upon Dante, but he made little use of Boccaccio. Title note supplied by Feminae.]
Source: Quaderni Veneti , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 85 - 131.
Year of Publication: 1996.

10. Record Number: 1087
Author(s): Verdiccho, Massimo.
Title : Overreading and Underreading Dante in North America [brief discussion of fifteen new titles of Dante criticism including Robert Pogue Harrison's The Body of Beatrice. Johns Hopkins University Press, 1988. Pages 82-83].
Source: Italian Quarterly , 33., (Winter-Spring 1996):  Pages 77 - 86.
Year of Publication: 1996.

11. Record Number: 1704
Author(s): Slerca, Anna.
Title : Dante, Boccace, et le "Livre de la Cité des Dames" de Christine de Pizan
Source: Une femme de Lettres au Moyen Age: Études autour de Christine de Pizan.   Edited by Liliane Dulac and Bernard Ribémont .   Paradigme, 1995. Medievalia et Humanistica New Series , 22., ( 1995):  Pages 221 - 230.
Year of Publication: 1995.

12. Record Number: 1739
Author(s): Hoffman, Donald L.
Title : Radix amoris: The "Tavola Ritonda" and Its Response to Dante's Paolo and Francesca
Source: Tristan and Isolde: A Casebook.   Edited by Joan Tasker Grimbert .   Garland Publishing, 1995. Medievalia et Humanistica New Series , 22., ( 1995):  Pages 207 - 222.
Year of Publication: 1995.

13. Record Number: 5559
Author(s): Mangieri, Cono A.
Title : Gentucca Dantesca e Dintorni [Gentucca, a figure in the "Purgatorio," represents Epicurean philosophy, as Ulysses and Cato represent stoicism; Dante can be described as having committed, at least in his youth, the "Epicurean" sins of gluttony, prodigality, and lust. Gentucca may have
Source: Italian Quarterly , 32., (Summer-Fall 1995):  Pages 5 - 25.
Year of Publication: 1995.

14. Record Number: 368
Title : Francesca da Rimini and Dante's Women Readers
Source: Women, the Book and the Worldly: Selected Proceedings of the St. Hilda's Conference, 1993. Volume 2. [Volume 1: Women, the Book, and the Godly].   Edited by Lesley Smith and Jane H. M. Taylor .   D.S.Brewer, 1995. Quaderni Veneti , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 71 - 83.
Year of Publication: 1995.

15. Record Number: 6021
Author(s): Pinchard, Bruno.
Title : La Mort de la dame. Mythologie d'un marbre selon Dante [The author traces similarities between Dante's writings and the tomb of Ilaria del Carretto, wife of the lord of Lucca].
Source: Ilaria del Carretto e il suo monumento: la donna nell'arte, la cultura, e la società del '400. Atti del convegno Internazionale di Studi, 15-16-17 Settembre, 1994, Palazzo Ducale, Lucca.   Edited by Stéphane Toussaint. Translated by Clotilde Soave Bowe. .   Edizioni S. Marco Litotipo, 1995. Quaderni Veneti , 23., ( 1996):  Pages 305 - 314.
Year of Publication: 1995.

16. Record Number: 245
Author(s): Kennedy, Thomas C.
Title : Translator's Voice in the Second Nun's "Invocacio": Gender, Influence, and Textuality
Source: Medievalia et Humanistica New Series , 22., ( 1995):  Pages 95 - 110. Special issue: Diversity
Year of Publication: 1995.

17. Record Number: 6269
Author(s): Carugati, Giuliana.
Title : Retorica amorosa e verità in Dante: il "De Causis" e l'idea della donna nel "Convivio" [Dante's loves, especially Beatrice, have been interpreted as representing philosophy; use of female abstractions is clearest in the "Convivio," which was influenced by the Pseudo-Aristotelian "Liber de Causis" with its Neoplatonic themes; the superior intelligences mentioned in the book were feminine, as was the world soul, giving Dante a philosophical context for his feelings of love; despite these feminine abstractions, actual women were conceded no such dignity].
Source: Dante Studies , 12., ( 1994):  Pages 161 - 175.
Year of Publication: 1994.

18. Record Number: 6609
Author(s): Baldelli, Ignazio.
Title : Realtà personale e corporale di Beatrice [Beatrice appears in "La Vita Nuova" as a mute figure; in the "Comedia" she becomes a speaker, conversing with Dante; in the "Paradiso," Dante's juvenile love of Beatrice is reconciled with her theological image into a fraternal relationship].
Source: Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana , 169., ( 1992):  Pages 161 - 182.
Year of Publication: 1992.

19. Record Number: 10004
Author(s): Minnis, Alastair J.
Title : Authors in Love: The Exegesis of Late-Medieval Love-Poets [Vernacular poets who wrote about secular love sometimes appropriated techniques of literary criticism from a long scholastic tradition, which involved the interpretation of the Bible or Latin authors like Ovid. By appropriating exegetical (interpretive) practices like learned prologues and glosses within their own manuscripts, vernacular authors gained an authority that was previously reserved only for Latin writers. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Uses of manuscripts in literary studies: essays in memory of Judson Boyce Allen.   Edited by Charlotte Cook Morse, Penelope Reed Doob, and Marjorie Curry Woods Studies in medieval culture .   Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, 1992. Giornale Storico della Letteratura Italiana , 169., ( 1992):  Pages 161 - 189.
Year of Publication: 1992.

20. Record Number: 10286
Author(s): Biow, Douglas.
Title : Pier Della Vigna, Dido, and the Discourse of Virgilian Tragedy in the "Commedia" [The author argues that the Pier della Vigna episode in Dante's Inferno evokes the tragedy of Dido. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Stanford Italian Review , 11., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 155 - 170.
Year of Publication: 1992.

21. Record Number: 10287
Author(s): Johnson-Haddad, Miranda.
Title : Like the Moon It Renews Itself: the Female Body as Text in Dante, Ariosto, and Tasso [The author considers the representations of female bodies in three medieval and renaissance Italian poems. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Stanford Italian Review , 11., 40180 ( 1992):  Pages 203 - 215.
Year of Publication: 1992.

22. Record Number: 7418
Title : The Vernal Paradox: Dante's Matelda [The author identifies the "donna soletta" of Dante's "Purgatorio" with Matelda (from the same book), and examines their relationship to Proserpina, the goddess of spring. Matelda has most often been identified with Matilda, Countess of Tuscany and ally of Pope Gregory VII. However, the author argues that the more important consideration is the figure's associations with spring, the Church Militant, and natural justice. Since she is not named until later by Beatrice, her identity may not be extremely significant. However, the author believes she most likely represents Saint Mathilde, empress and wife of Heinrich I, Holy Roman emperor. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dante Studies , 110., ( 1992):  Pages 107 - 120.
Year of Publication: 1992.

23. Record Number: 11066
Author(s): Brownlee, Kevin.
Title : The Image of History in Christine de Pizan’s "Livre de la Mutacion de Fortune" [Christine creates a double representation of history in this poem. In addition to relating all the great events in human history, she also presents a personal history in the form of an allegorical autobiography. This narrative fictionalizes her own development into the author of the book, as Christine presents her past self reading a sequence of wall paintings. As she narrates these images, Christine establishes her unique authority as a female poet of history, differentiating herself from the male wall-reading protagonists of the Aeneid, Roman de le Rose, the Prose Lancelot, and Dante’s Divine Comedy. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Yale French Studies (Full Text via JSTOR) (1991): 44-56. Special Editions: Style and Values in Medieval Art and Literature.Link Info
Year of Publication: 1991.

24. Record Number: 11791
Author(s): Mazzaro, Jerome.
Title : From Fin Amour to Friendship: Dante’s Transformation [The author argues that Dante’s literary relationship with Beatrice transforms from one of courtly love to one of friendship. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Olde Daunce: Love, Friendship, Sex, and Marriage in the Medieval World.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Stephen Spector .   State University of New York Press, 1991.  Pages 121 - 137.
Year of Publication: 1991.

25. Record Number: 11065
Author(s): Huttar, Charles A.
Title : Arms and the Man: The Place of Beatrice in Charles Williams’ Romantic Theology [Williams adopts Dantean themes in his twentieth-century novels and Arthurian poetry. In many of his works, female characters inspire epiphanies just as Beatrice inspired Dante (in “Paradiso” and “Vita Nuova”). Williams’ numerous allusions to the arms (or bodies) of beautiful women invoke famous near-divine feminine figures from medieval literature like Isolde and Beatrice. In both the medieval and modern texts, the woman’s physical beauty is the vehicle for the male lover’s transcendent awareness and understanding of God. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studies in Medievalism , 3., 3 (Winter 1991):  Pages 307 - 343.
Year of Publication: 1991.

26. Record Number: 11047
Author(s): Pequigney, Joseph.
Title : Sodomy in Dante's "Inferno" and "Purgatorio" [The author analyzes the "Inferno" and "Purgatorio" to show that Dante's treatment of homosexuality was remarkably tolerant for its time, and that it may even have allowed a salvific function for homoerotic love. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Representations (Full Text via JSTOR) 36 (Autumn 1991): 22-42. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1991.

27. Record Number: 11819
Author(s): Cestaro, Gary P.
Title : ...quanquam Sarnum biberimus ante dentes...: The Primal Scene of Suckling in Dante's De vulgari eloquentia [In his treatise on language, Dante foregrounds suckling imagery and the importance of the maternal body. This maternal imagery stems from a long tradition of representing the allegorical figure of Grammatica (grammar) as a nurse. According to psychoanalytic theory, the assumed natural primacy of the vernacular as a mother tongue (a native language acquired before Latin) evokes a primal scene of union with the mother (a state that precedes linguistic communication in human development). Nonetheless, the rationalistic male grammarian perpetually struggles to obscure the feminine origins of speech in order to maintain strict gender boundaries. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dante Studies , 109., ( 1991):  Pages 119 - 147.
Year of Publication: 1991.

28. Record Number: 11818
Author(s): Cassell, Anthony K.
Title : Santa Lucia as Patroness of Sight: Hagiography, Iconography, and Dante [The role of Saint Lucy in Dante's Divine Comedy is manifold, as the saint bears multiple symbolic and allegorical meanings in the poem. Early accounts of her life present the saint as an exemplum of fortitude, but later narratives depict her as a beautiful virgin martyr whose eyes were plucked out. Representations of Saint Lucy in art often feature her holding her eyes on a dish or platter, highlighting her role as the patroness of sight. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Dante Studies , 109., ( 1991):  Pages 71 - 88.
Year of Publication: 1991.

29. Record Number: 11196
Author(s): Ahern, John.
Title : Nudi Grammantes: The Grammar and Rhetoric of Deviation in Inferno XV [Male genitalia have a complex range of metaphorical meanings. Certain writers in the medieval rhetorical tradition align sexuality and rhetoric, comparing forms unorthodox sexuality (like sodomy) with perversions of language. Most notably, Brunetto Latini, a grammarian and sodomite who appears in the Inferno, uses a series of puns involving the word “fico” (fig or tree), confusing the word’s natural (biological) and grammatical gender. In Latin and Italian, this word (meaning both tree and fruit) could metaphorically stand for either the male or the female sexual organs. Brunetto’s learned yet ambiguous use of language thus suggests his own sexual deviancy. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Romanic Review , 81., 4 ( 1990):  Pages 466 - 486.
Year of Publication: 1990.